Gratis Ebook herunterladen The Adventure Zone: Here There Be Gerblins, by Clint McElroy
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The Adventure Zone: Here There Be Gerblins, by Clint McElroy

Gratis Ebook herunterladen The Adventure Zone: Here There Be Gerblins, by Clint McElroy
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A #1 New York Times bestsellerThe Adventure Zone is fun, hilarious, and also smart. Hey, guys, can I have a cameo next time?" -- Adam Savage, MythBusters "My excitement about this existing cannot be dwarfed by anything. You see what I did there." -- Jean Grae, hip-hop artist, actor, and comedian "The warped fantasy lives of McElroy Sons and Dad are as addictively adorable and unstoppably hilarious as they are on their podcast (a popular mind comic); but somehow Carey Pietsch's gorgeous and playful art makes this deep dive into their beautiful brains even richer, weirder, and more mandatory. This is a critical hit." -- John Hodgman, Vacationland "Good comic book, fantastic paper." -- Justin Roiland, paper enthusiast and co-creator of Rick and Morty "Gorgeous art--the characters come to life! I am so happy that this graphic novel is a thing that exists in the world." -- Hank Green, Crash Course, The Lizzie Bennet Diaries"Clint, Griffin, Justin, and Travis McElroy team up with artist Carey Pietsch to adapt the show's first quest in The Adventure Zone: Here There Be Gerblins, and Pietsch's rich animated art style imbues their characters with life, capturing the distinct personalities that were created through voice on the podcast." -A.V. Club"Pietsch's art adds depth to the page at every turn, bringing this world to life in a really exciting way and also giving the characters a full range of expression that almost makes you forget you are reading." -The Mary Sue"The larger sardonic commentary on taking fantasy too seriously, matched with the characters' unwillingness to follow a game's unrealistic rules, will be clever and hilarious to those in the know. --Booklist
Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
Meet the McElroys! Clint was born first, which recent studies have shown is the best procedure for fathers and sons. Justin came along twenty-five years later, two weeks late, actually, which caused his mother, Leslie, some consternation and more than a little back pain. Three years to the day (yes, the very day) Travis came along, forever ruining JustinÂ’s birthday, at least according to Justin. The decision was made to not have a third child born on November 8th, so Griffin arrived three-and-a-half years later on April 17th. There followed this decade and that, during which there was a lot of school, theater, broadcasting, video games, moving around the country and various and sundry monkeyshines. Then came a time for fewer monkeyshines, so a ton of marriages happened and people were added to the family branch. In the midst of all this begetting, podcasts began springing up in even greater abundance and their names were My Brother My Brother and Me (which spawned a popular tv show), Sawbones, Shmanners, Rose Buddies, and a farcical romp called The Adventure Zone. Carey Pietsch is a cartoonist based out of Brooklyn, New York. Her previous work includes drawing two arcs of the Lumberjanes series and the artwork for the Mages of Mystralia webcomic. Carey is also the author of Keepsakes and other original comics about magic and empathy. Along with brightening her workdays, The Adventure Zone got her to join a D&D campaign, where sheÂ’s currently playing a dragonborn sorceror who cares too much about romance novels.
Taschenbuch: 238 Seiten
Verlag: Macmillan USA (6. August 2018)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 1250153700
ISBN-13: 978-1250153708
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
16 x 1,5 x 23 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
4.3 von 5 Sternen
8 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 2.532 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
The graphic novel is not just incredibly beautiful, it is also laid out in a way that makes it very accessible for anyone who hasn't listened to the podcast yet. This book will definitely make the rounds in my group of friends, who I've been trying to get into TAZ, but have failed since they don't want to commit to the podcast.The character design is very thoughtful and I especially love all the little easter eggs hinting at future plot points that were placed throughout the artwork.
Was soll man sagen!- Der Zeichenstil ist umwerfend- Die Verarbeitung ist absolut hochwertig- Die umsetung von Podcast auf Comic ist gelungen- Mindestens genau so unterhaltsam wie die Folgen anzuhörenFür Fans ein Muss aber auch für Freunde die den Podcast nicht kanntenwar die Graphic Novel ein riesen Spaß!
I had my doubts about this one because of the challenge of converting the story and charm of the podcast into comics medium. But they did it! All your favorite Tres Horny Boys are in there and the very well chosen art style is the cherry on top. The Griffins've done well.
I'm a big fan of the podcast, so of course I bought this! The art style is great and the general quality of the book is too.I was a little bit confused at some name changes, but thats no big deal.Can't wait for the next one.
The great first TAZ arc condensed into an entertaining comic. Great for fans of the podcasts and people who haven't listened to anything (yet). Also really good quality paper :D
Wonderful, gorgeous art to go with a baller story. Can't wait for Rockport!
If you're a fan of the podcast you will love this comic adaption! The illustration is amazing and if you're a long time fan you'll definitely be a lil nostalgic. ANYWAYY I'm excited for the next one!
Ich würde das ganze ja gerne lesen.... es gibt leider nicht! Grund dafür ist die Formatierung.Ich hab schon öfters Comics runtergeladen, und das ging dank Smartview gar nciht so schlecht. Man konnte reinzoomen, einzelne Panes vergrößern usw.Hier lieder nicht.Ich habe keine Ahnung welches groteske Format der Herrausgeber gewählt hat, aber es schaut so aus: Man bekommt auf dem Handy im Querformat eine Doppelseite des Comis angezeit die aus Formatgründen ungefähr die Hälfte des Handybildschierm einnimmt. Wenn ein ein Panel angeklickt, dann wird das um ca 50% vergrößert - bleibt also immer noch zu klein als das man die Schrift lesen könnte!Kurz gesagt: ein kompletter Murks, und praktisch unlesbar. Finger weg oder auf Papier kaufen.
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