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, By Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski . Lesen macht Sie besser. Das sagt? Viele weisen Worte behaupten , dass durch das Lesen, Ihr Leben wird viel besser. Denkst du das? Ja, bestätigen Sie es. Wenn Sie führen müssen , By Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski , um die Smart - Worte zu beweisen , zu überprüfen, können Sie diese Webseite perfekt sehen. Dies ist die Website , die alle Bücher liefern, die höchstwahrscheinlich die Sie benötigen. Sind Führer der Sammlungen , die Sie fühlen interessiert zu überprüfen machen? Unter ihnen sind hier die , By Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski , dass wir auf jeden Fall empfehlen werden.
, by Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski

PDF kostenlos , by Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski
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Format: Kindle Ausgabe
Dateigröße: 1340 KB
Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe: 531 Seiten
Verlag: Athenaeum Classics (4. Juli 2019)
Verkauf durch: Amazon Media EU S.Ã r.l.
Sprache: Englisch
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Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
3.8 von 5 Sternen
80 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
#439.539 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop)
Nicht leicht zu lesen. aber es lohnt sich. Der beste geschriebene Roman.Streckenweise etwas langatmig.Ein Eindruck russischer Kultur in einem Familiendrama dargestellt.Starker philosophischer, kirchlicher Hintergrund. Leben in einem Kloster detailliert.
The translator (who passed away shortly after this version of the book was published) used more modern English than previous versions without eschewing a rich vocabulary. In any case, the classic novel shines within this framework.
This Everyman’s Library edition of The Brothers Karamzov is beautifully bound and printed. It is joy to handle it, leaf through it, read it, and watch it lying on your shelf. Highly recommended!
Great book in great condition!
This is a classic book, depends if you like the style or not. otherwise, this book is nicely printed, white paper, easy to read. However, I would have preferred to buy it in 2 or 3 books rather than a big one. It’s not so comfortable to carry this around or read it when you’re mid-way.
Dostojewskis works are outstanding in their capability to make oneself familiar with the problems we all might have sometimes, the self-doubts, the longings for freedom, the reaction to misery and humiliation. In Dostojewskis novels you find everything, included the solution. There is also an astonishing prophecy. DOSTOJEWSKI saw the Nihilism of the coming generation. One of the interpreters of Dostojewski, Bachtin, characterized his works as correct in many ways.The heroes of Dostojewski introduce all possible positions, Christian or non-Christian views, but not as caricatures, rather as true humans. DOSTOJEWSKI was a connoisseur of human nature, he tried to meet the requierments of everybody. Therefore even atheists hail his works, though they have a Christian touch. Even Camus or Nietzsche praised him, they saw that Dostojewski knew about what he was talking.DOSTOJEWSKI himself had much experienced doubts, intellectual and existential doubts. He experienced a fake execution in St. Petersburg, he became very sick, his wife and two children died. He wanted to bring that in concordance with his Christian belief.The question of atheism is for him not so much a question of doubt. It is more a question of apathy and carelessness. In The Demons" he cites two times the Bible: "that thou art neither cold nor hot... but you are lukewarm!" Lukewarmness or apathy are the main problem of man, he says. And his separation, his status of a being torn apart. Raskol-Raskolnikow means properly "being separated". But from who? From church, family, people, God? Dostojewski is sure, if somebody is healed from that separation it has something to do with repentance and reversal. The main message of Starez in The brothers Karamasow" is, that man may never loses the skill to repent. A man who does not want to give up his life-lie cannot be helped. He cannot return to God who loves man. Yet Dostojewski knew that for God all things are possible! For God but not for man!Interesting is the depiction in his works that conversion is always possible at any point in life, no matter how lost the situation seems to be. The stories of the families are all very dramatic and messed up. The relationships are disturbed.Repentance and reversal is also a question of the own decision which is in the freedom of man. Within the decisions of man there is according to Dostojewski one important question, namely, whether one wants to keep to his own opinion about life or whether he wants to be in search of true life, whether he wants to make himself God or wants to accept that God became man!This is the conflict in everybody`s life, to want to be like God. Therefore in every novel of Dostojewski is a murder, because man says, I am the master over life and death, I set the rules, not God!This thesis of Dostojewski fascinated Jean-Paul Sartre. He made it the entrance of his Existentialism theory."If there is no God, everything is allowed!" DOSTOJEWSKI let his heroes speak. Again and again this topic appears. For DOSTOJEWSKI the person Christ and the fact of his resurrection are the center of the Gospel. Either Christ was resurrected or I commit suicide, is his conclusion. The protagonists of Dostojewski live between these two extremes. Those who are consequent either come to Christ or commit suicide. That not all do this has something to do with what Camus formulated like that: It is easy to be logical, but it is difficult to be logical till the end!"DOSTOJEWSKI sees that all tragedy and absurdity of life are overcome by the resurrection of Christ! The resurrection took place in history and has a healing effect for all times. In this world misery and suffering are never totally dismissed. In this world there is no answer for it. The only possible answer is the fact of the resurrection of Christ. Gods love is the answer to all reproaches. This world with its failures is not everything. The failures are a result of the separation from God, but the resurrection is a new chapter in the history of mankind.If somebody does not want to read all the works of Dostojewski, he should at least read "The brothers Karamasow". This is one of the most important works of world literature, besides it is instructive, entertaining, gripping, multi-layered and a highlight in the work of Dostojewski.
There are few words to describe this towering achievement: Magnificent. Chilling. Overwhelming. Ferocious. Intense. Uplifting. Dostoevsky's masterpiece, published just months before his death, is the single greatest book I have ever read. Every book I'd encountered is just a pale shadow of this one, for it contains everything the human heart holds dear. What I truly love about this book is its depiction of human suffering and evil--why, even the Devil himself makes an appearance, as an old Frenchman who engages atheist Karamazov brother Ivan in a philosophical discussion. The Devil takes the old Latin phrase, "I am human, therefore nothing human is alien to me" and changes it to: "I am Satan, therefore nothing human is alien to me." Jesus. My blood runs cold at the perfection of that. And Ivan himself says to his young Christian brother Alyosha: "I believe that if the Devil exists, man created him in his own image." These are some of the truest, most profound words ever spoken....But the story! Oh, what a tangled, complex, gripping tale we have of murder, jealousy, lust, anger, and guilt! Dostoevsky knew how to spin a murder mystery, that's for sure. The genius of this book (and many of Dostoevksy's) is that it is utterly contemporary--its intensity translates well to today's world; in many ways the violence and psychological torment here is comparable to a Martin Scorsese film (the filmmaker has indeed invoked the great writer's name on several occasions). While I was reading this book, the OJ Simpson trial was in full force, and it paralleled the book's penultimate chapters in the Russian courts. All of Russian society was there, and fascinated by what the murder of Fyodor Karamazov, the father, said about Russia at the turn of the century. This is precisely what America went through during that trial in 1995--Dostoevsky's book, written over 100 years before, perfectly captured our world today. I was stunned, and what seemed like a ridiculous media circus became fraught with meaning, illuminated by "The Brothers Karamazov." Who ever would've thought...?Read this book. Read it. It is what every work of literature wants to be... but can't quite make it.
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